Welcome to the home page of Shadow View Estates Homeowners Association web site. The public has access to all of the information on the first 6 pages of the site. The rest of the site is restricted to registered members, individuals who are either homeowners or long-term renters.
~ Upcoming Events ~
Cookie Exchange
Sunday, December 8th, 6pm at TBD
The annual Cookie Exchange is planned for Sunday, December 8, 2024. The event will be a walking event. Please bring a mug if you want to share some cidar. It will start at 330 E Morning Sun Ct at 6pm. RSVP to Sibylle Rundel at 520-270-6865.
January Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 8th, 3pm at 6738 N. Shadow Run Dr (Ward residence)
The January Board meeting will be held on 1-8-25 at 6738 N Shadow Run Dr ( Ward residence) at 3pm. All homeowners are welcome, but please let Phil Marsh know if you plan to attend.
February Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 4th, 3pm at 385 E Potters Wheel Ct (Sommers' residence)
The February Board meeting will be held a 385 E Potters Wheel Ct (Sommers' residence) at 3pm. All homeowners are welcome, but please let Phil Marsh know if you plan to attend.